Loving the Work

“Everyday that I have a good day at work, I can trace a direct line back to advice Lizzy gave me that led me there” ~ Emily Holtz, Consultant @ Gartner

I love this work.Yesterday I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon with my Monthly Mirielles Members, recapping all the achieved in Q1, and setting the stage for Q2.We celebrated successes, acknowledged goals that hadn’t proved fruitful and had to…

I love this work.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon with my Monthly Mirielles Members, recapping all the achieved in Q1, and setting the stage for Q2.

We celebrated successes, acknowledged goals that hadn’t proved fruitful and had to be retired, and created a plan of action to boost these women’s business to where they wanted it to be 3 months from now.

It’s an honor and a privilege to sit with these women, hear how hard they are working, and see the inspiration and energy they provide each other.

It truly lights me up, and encourages me about where they will all be by the end of this Quarter, and this year!