Mirielles is a community of individuals committed to growth and prosperity, in service of ending the gender wage gap. 

Our mission is to inspire, empower, and professionally enable women through individual coaching, business consultation, and the supportive community created among our members.

Mirielles was founded in 2018, by Lizzy Wilmarth

Lizzy first began coaching younger women at the age of 16, as an assistant coach of her hometown recreational swim team. These girls, the self-defined, “Flying Lizzy’s”, were the first incarnation of a team of ladies she led by example, experience, and emotionally invested instruction.

During her college summers, she returned to the Girl Scout Camp she had grown up attending, and led a generation of female campers as a sailing instructor, eventually taking on role of Director, and leading the women she had taught as children, to become leaders themselves.

After completing two degrees, one of which was in Women’s Studies, Lizzy moved to San Francisco, where she spent the first stage of her career in technology sales. True to form, by applying her incredible ambition and work ethic, within 10 years she rose from an entry level employee, to being recognized in the top 1% of Cisco’s salesforce of 20,000 people.

After connecting with the SheStarts program out of Sydney, and becoming an Ambassador and Advisor, she remembered the passion and fun she found in coaching other women, and decided to focus on empowering women full time, thereby founding Mirielles.